We manage ten 3 and 4 bed houses across Cambridge offering more independent accommodation for people who have been homeless. This is often the next step for someone seeking their own home and is a stable base from which people can continue working towards their goals.
“Without Jimmy’s I do not know where I would be now. They took me from street to shelter to house to home”.
Today will be a better day and the future is open again. Harry was a Headmaster from a solid family, when unexpected events saw him on the streets of Cambridge. Harry spent the entire summer of 2017 on the streets, feeling in his words, ‘derelict, denounced and decrepit’. Harry felt invisible sometimes ‘wanting to just sleep and not wake up again’. This was until he found his way to Jimmy’s. Harry moved into our accommodation on East Road after several months of rough sleeping, seeing it as a chance to start again and rebuild his life. With support from Jimmy’s, Harry was helped into supported housing, before he moved to his own flat. Thanks to our work, Harry now lives independently as a part of the Cambridge community.