2 November 2023
Behind the Scenes Series: East Road
Here at Jimmy’s we really want to open the doors and welcome our supporters in to find out what goes on behind the scenes. As you can imagine,...

19 October 2023
Free Wills Month
“Leaving a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to be there for people experiencing homelessness beyond your lifetime”. Gift in Wills Month is a national campaign...

18 October 2023
Pamper afternoon to support women experiencing homelessness in Cambridge.
In recognition of World Homelessness Day on Tuesday 10th October, Sodexo and Scruffs Hairdressing Salon Hosted a pamper afternoon for women experiencing homelessness in collaboration with Jimmy’s Cambridge...

26 September 2023
World Homeless Day
On the 10th of October 2023 people around the world will mark World Homeless Day in many varied ways and change the lives of people experiencing homelessness in their local community....

31 August 2023
International Overdose Awareness Day 2023
On Thursday 31st August we partnered up with CGL (Cambridgeshire Drug & Alcohol Service), to mark International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) at our 451 project, a global event...

2 August 2023
Harvest 2023
“Without Jimmy’s I do not know where I would be now. They took me from street to shelter to house to home”. Harvest Festival celebrates the time of...