14 April 2021
Of course there are people who care! – A volunteer blog
Back in March, it was really hard to tell how the pandemic would have played out, and in some respects it still is. Back then, we shared a feeling of worry and a sense that we couldn’t do very much as individuals to help those around us and ourselves.

14 April 2021
Special Announcement for World Homeless Day
For World Homeless Day, which happens on the 10th October every year, Jimmy’s Cambridge announces it has joined up with Cambridge City Council and the Hill Group to launch new modular homes across the city for people who are experiencing homelessness.

14 April 2021
Lockdown in Jimmy’s Houses
Working with those people that are living in our move on houses is very dependant on social contact and support – weekly catch up visits, either they to us or us checking in on them. Accompanying them to doctors, jobcentre, or even just a shopping trip, is a big part of our roles as Housing Support Workers.

14 April 2021
A day in the life of a resident
When Sam and I meet on a Friday in early June, he had just woken up from his extended mid-day sleep. He looks disheveled but seems happy, a little bit shy but approachable and very keen to talk to me. We actually meet to discuss the modular homes that Sam is supposed to move into some time in the future, but we end up also talking about Covid-19 and how the lockdown had been for him.

14 April 2021
A day in the life of Teresa
Teresa is always around, spreading her good spirits and energy. She picks up the small dog, cuddles him, gives him a treat, jokes around with him before returning to the kitchen. Everyone knows Teresa and she is likely the one that newcomers at Jimmy’s get to know quickly. Looking out into the lounge out of her abode, the kitchen, she sees everything and everyone.

14 April 2021
A Volunteer’s View
Thank you for asking me to do a blog it’s a great way to keep everyone connected and still feel involved during the Covid 19 restrictions. I am really missing volunteering at Jimmy’s during this lockdown as I have been part of the Jimmy’s family for so long and love going in and doing my bit in the kitchen, preparing and serving the dinners, and more recently helping on reception too.
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