1 August 2023
Music Therapy
Find out why there’s so much more to music therapy than first meets the eye. At Jimmy’s we know each person we support is an individual and that...

31 July 2023
East Road Update
After completion of our five extra bedrooms at East Road in April, we have taken the time to refurbish the remaining 20 bedrooms. With the extra space we...

26 July 2023
Garden revamp – update
In May we were joined by Sodexo and JLL who came to support us in revamping one of Jimmy’s gardens, which was in desperate need of some TLC....

11 July 2023
Celebrating 20 years
Deb, our East Road Team Leader, is celebrating 20 years of working at Jimmy’s! Deb started at Jimmy’s on the 17th June 2003 as a Locum Support Worker...

3 July 2023
Alcohol Awareness Week
Whilst not everyone who is homeless is so due to alcoholism it is reported two thirds of those experiencing homelessness do suffer from this disease. Recognising this, one...

29 June 2023
Art by Fiona Blake
Fiona Blake who has been a volunteer at Jimmy’s for many years, and currently Chair of Trustees, is once again holding an exhibition of her art with all...
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